You use the word "egregious" a lot. I would like, may I, to request one thing. Can you explain the definition of egregious? Or, for that matter. "delinquent"?
I suspect not somehow, but I will eat my hat if you are able to do it without an advisor stood next to you with a dictionary and a thesaurus whispering in your ear.
International relations is not easy. Okay. so I may have wagged all my International Relations classes when I was 17, but I'm not the Pres. I found it boring. Trade, trade, trade, tax, blah blah blah. I know it's SUPER important, please don't get me wrong, but at 17, when a big wide world is opening up to you, you just want to take a fake ID and hang out watching your favourite bands. I still got As on my exams. Doubt SillyHead would.
Friends, it's been difficult day. England have gone out. I was more upset about Australia but there you go. We must show solidarity and that we will not let women be subjugated by this sex pest (quote: BBC Panorama - can't sue). I shall enjoy the blimp as it flies itself. God, there are some LOLs there no?
Safe passage into the night all.
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