May I start this piece, which will be more journalistic than usual, by leaving this here as a taster.
Childish Gambino - This is America
Now. I hope you've done your homework of listening. This is the shitfight we are currently in.
A light intro, before the HARD NEWS begins. This afternoon, Donald J. Trump and his complicit wife flew over my house. Without a word between us, husband and I threw ourselves onto the balcony and started yelling "WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE! GO HOME!". And I understood what it felt to be a Trump supporter. And it felt horrible. I feel he may have seen us sending the V signs as his flunkies then flew over our house for the following two hours. I'm not a terrorist, Donny. I'm an AMERICAN CITIZEN AND I CALL THE FIRST AMENDMENT ON YOUR ARSE.
Now. The news. God, this is actually destroying my soul.
CNN (Fake News, right?), published a poll today. OK, we all know polls are skewed. You can't interview every person with every single opinion in the country - and they certainly didn't interview me - but 44% of Americans have said Obama was the best President of their lifetime. Followed by Bill Clinton at 33%, and Reagan at 32%. Like, the actor with the monkey or something. Trump is screaming into oblivity with 19%.
"The polls love me, look at the polls" - Donald Trump, every rally he's ever attended.
There is unconscious bias in polls. For example, millennials will not have recognised Reagan as a President as they basically weren't alive. Obama was the focal point of their political life, and that's not their fault, but they certainly weren't around when Clinton was going through impeachment due to the Lewinsky scandal. One of the charges was, ironically, obstruction of justice. So, we must keep in mind that there are always subconscious biases that come through in these polls. If you would like to like to look at this poll in further detail, the link is NOT here, as it broke my blog. I shall post it on my Twitter.
Let's look at the facts as they stand, from sources, rather than my opinion.
Trump wants to build a new golf course in Aberdeenshire, which has been promised to build new homes and help the community. It would appear that is not the case.
The ITV program Tonight, interviewed a lot of people living there today. Some of them were in the process of writing "RESIST" in the sand, hoping the POTUS would see it in a fly past. Cllr Martin Ford of the area said, "Mr. Trump establishes an alternative set of facts by repetition."
Alex Salmond, former First Minister of Scotland, went on to say, "He regards himself as the greatest dealmaker of all time.".
And surprisingly, or perhaps not considering his animosity with Piers Morgan (we all know the story guys), Alan Sugar said, "He has to understand (The EU) is a bigger market than you...He doesn't think what's best for the rest of the world.".
And then Sean Spicer - you remember him? The Press Secretary for the White House that couldn't find matching shoes to wear during a press briefing - gave this missive regarding a book he has contributed to; "(He is) a unicorn, riding a unicorn, over a rainbow.". Well, that has certainly cleared things right up. (Source: The Guardian).
I think if you're even reading this, we are probably on the same page. I fully support any person's right to protest for or against, so long as it's not violent or short-sighted. Have the facts to hand before you make your decision. And also, if you want to call me FAKE NEWS, I would wear it as a badge of honour.
Your move, Drumpf.
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