Tuesday, 17 July 2018


I could not agree more, Trumpy. However, after the last two days of, to quote my hero Jon Stewart (you wouldn't like him), this utter CLUSTERFUCK you've made of this trip, tonight's presser did not really enlighten, me, CNN correspondents, BBC correspondents, or the general public.

Let's take a moment to review what was said. All quotes directly attributed to Donald Trump, as broadcast by every major news network in the western world. (Oh, hang on. Are we ALL Fake News?)

We started the diatribe with a clearly off-message self-congratulatory pat on the back about his amazing work with getting more money out of NATO. NOT THE BRIEF.

Then went on to call our Queen "a terrific person" who he "walked with" at Windsor. You didn't. You broke Royal protocol and walked ahead of her until she pulled you back. FAKE NEWS.

And then we get to why we are here.

"(The) most successful visit...was Russia."

On to the prepared speech, as I can imagine Huckabee Sanders was shooting absolute side eye by this point.

"(I have) full faith in (the US) intelligence agencies...I accept (Russia meddled in our election process)."

"(We have) a need for some clarification".

This is my personal fave:

"I said the word 'would' instead of 'wouldn't'". Um. Huh?

We then move into the free text part of the speech where the usual rhetoric is trotted out; Obama, Hillary, oh did you know he won 2016?

I'm not even going to address what he is quoted as saying about discussing Syria. If you did, show strength, and mention it at the time. You didn't.

Oh yeah, no collusion, a number of times as well. Hand-written in Sharpie on your notes. We've picked up that's what you think. About two years ago.

Today, unfortunately for you, you've made this worse for yourself. You have come across as a weak leader, who doesn't understand years of international policy that has come before you, and have tried to reduce your entire term of office to a reality television show.

What do we expect to come from this? Well, as we are completely through the looking glass now, probably nothing. The man is Teflon. I've never seen anything like this in my many years of life. It doesn't make it right, but it is certainly indicative of the fact that certain groups of people are being fed by the celebrity status he asserts onto the average person. Those average people, in middle America - and other parts - are just those people he directly targeted during his election run.

Let me make a cry in the dark to you. Please. Please, look at the facts as they present themselves. It is not a crime to support Trump. What does let you down, though, is using your right to vote and wasting it based on an ill-informed opinion.

You have a chance to make a stand in the next few months. Register to vote and make your voice heard. Whichever way it goes. So long as it's informed and something you can live with if this all starts going horribly wrong.

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