Saturday, 14 July 2018


Ideally, I wanted to post a couple of pictures of kids, who spoke eloquently in Scotland today about their dislike for the POTUS. My husband I and I broke into spontaneous applause after the first kid said his bit. SO beyond his years, and clearly not coached. The second one was on the picket line (as was the first, to be fair) on the beach at Aberdeen right by the police cordon. The second the second kid saw you know who, he started playing the bagpipes at top volume. I SALUTE YOU BOTH, SIRS.

Image result for trump golfing

Not that one above. I'm not posting pictures of innocent kids on a social media site. I have something called morals.

I've written down a load of quotes and accreditations I could use tonight. I don't feel like it. This week has bloody broken me into a tiny shell of a human. I don't fancy doing a heavy piece tonight, as I think we've had enough of that over the last few days. We have less that 24 hours before he goes to Helsinki and destroys us all further with his absolute, obvious dedication to Putin. Look, I don't  know if that stupid sex tape thing is just a vile rumour, but I can tell you this one thing. Sit on your hands about this one, peeps.

Special Counsel Bob Mueller indicted - INDICTED - 12 Russian intel officers for interfering in the Clinton campaign. Trump knew about this happening earlier this week.  Not complicit? Okay.

Here's my source. TOTES FAKE, right?

Soz for the long link, but you know, I have little time left.

I've mentioned this before, POTUS, but quite frankly as an American born citizen you will have to find some bloody good dirt on me to shut me up. And THERE AIN'T.  Please just go away and stop upsetting everyone.

Everything I have said today has a source. It's not Fake News. It's, you know, news. Oh, here's some accreditation for your interest. It's from your favourite news source, Fox News.


PS It will always end up in a heavy piece. We're up shit creek.

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