This show is my dream job. Let me rephrase. Dream Job. It combines my two passions; journalism and comedy. Dear Trevor Noah, please see this and know I would move country to a place that is run by my most hated person, has terrible healthcare, and I left many years ago never to return, for the opportunity.
I spent today in "group therapy", to which, again, I was the only person to show up. Not so groupy. I'm not allowed to talk about what goes on but another lady eventually showed. And talking to her, and her situation made me angry at the world. Never mind the fact we are all about to be blown up (one hour before the summit commences), it would appear I am doing a US Election special - ie staying up to watch this shit - because I CARE. I care that the world is going to hell in a handbasket. I care that someone makes sexist and misogynistic remarks at me in public. I care that I have to deal with my own personal physical pain, and absorb everyone else's. It's a thing with an empathic. You just take it on without meaning to. And I certainly care that a grown man in the street called me a "spaz" the other day. Jesus man. It's 2018. Get a better insult you tracksuit pant wearing ingrate.
All I'm saying is it's hard for someone in my position to catch a break. I feel like I try and try and try again, and sometimes someone throws you a bone and it still ends up in the bin. All I want is to be able to do what I know I'm good at, and talented at. Goddammit, Dulce worked in call centres. Snap, mate.
I hate playing the disabled/sick card but that is what is stopping everything, and it's not right. I'm fed up, and I don't want to take it anymore. Someone start paying me for this writing or - well, I'll probably keep doing it anyway.
I'm going to get up on stage and do comedy despite not being able to stand, get up the stairs to the gig room and being fucking shit arsed terrified. But you don't make a Jamie Oliver program without using more than 5 ingredients.*
Trevor, anytime you are ready, I am here mate. I think I would be an asset. And yes, this is begging. Sorry about that.
See you on the other side, peeps. I have a colander on my head. It's airier. And the wok is too heavy.
*gag specifically for my husband.
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