Fork In The Toaster
"Full of shimmering rage". - actual important person. "Bloody hell, you're really angry aren't you?" - my husband, the most important person. And I haven't even started on Trump yet, friends.
Saturday, 29 December 2018
I'd like to tell you a brief bit about my story, life with HMV.
I grew up in Melbourne around the corner from where they film Neighbours (no joke), so it was a bit of a suburby nothing for a young kid. I fell in love with British indie music by way of a very odd encounter featuring Alanis Morissette (don't ask, I was 15), and all I could do from that day on was aspire to be part of this amazing scene.
You may scoff, but for a kid growing up in a very dull soundscape, Britpop meant a lot to me. And then, one day, the shopping centre up the road got redeveloped and it had an HMV.
I immediately knew that I HAD to work there, to be a part of the people who could talk to me about the Stone Roses without thinking I'd said AC/DC. So I embarked upon a mission. Every day after school I would take my CV in (which at this illustrious stage included Target - Ladieswear).
The manager at the time tried to ban me, for pestering the staff. At the same time, I made friends, two of them still close, who worked there. One day, someone quit, the manager (result!) and they sighed and went, "ok, lets see what you've got".
It's not glamourous. It involves heaps of stickers, and ordering and doing your stock control. The best part? Helping people who want to talk about music. I thought I was on my own with that. In terms of Shed Seven, many would wrongly say I still am.
I then bothered another indie store, which was as indie as you can get - one guy. Same tactic. Constant CVs and talking about music. I loved that place too. Paul thought my ordering of records was so good he gave me an engraved pen when I decided to up sticks.
Obviously as some point, I was going to have to move to London, and looking for a Christmas job, so broke I was living on bagels (25p and fill you up), I immediately walked into the biggest HMV in the country. And bumped into my boss from the suburbs back in Melbourne. He loves Kylie. I got a job.
I spent the greatest year of my life working on that shop floor. The friendships we made over music have now become friendships we have kept for the rest of our lives. I've been to their weddings. They've been to mine. We've gone through all of this together.
And after you make a bond over music, it doesn't leave you. My mates from there still give me shit about my "apparently" poor taste in music, but you can spend hours in others companies talking about stuff like this. And it bonds. I yearn for 2005 every, fucking, day.
A number of my dear friends and partner still work for the company. We are all in bits about that news, so we must remember 2005, guys. Let's remember no matter what happens, it was music that brought us together, and we will stick like glue. And be there for one another.
I love you all my HMV friends. Very, very much.
Courtney Hodgkiss
PS Also - Hoggboy and Mensw@r were VERY UNDERRATED.
Tuesday, 23 October 2018
Yes, if the headline didn't give it away, there may be spoilers. But hopefully just pithy realisms.
I've just watched the first two eps of the second series of MaM. And my brain, outlook, whatever, has changed considerably since I watched the first series.
I ate it up with a spoon. Spent a lot of time in front of the telly with my long-suffering husband screaming about the way the American "judicial" system is completely corrupt, biased, etc. Please make note, law people - these are only my opinions. I pull the First Amendment.
Oh yeah. I'm American by birth. WHOOPS. Considering what is being demonstrated by the FPOTUS (you can work out what the F stands for and it's not a swear), I can say whatever I like without fear of litigation. Within reason.
I'm feeling very uncomfortable watching this new series. Maybe it's because FPOTUS has been in power(ish) for two years now. Maybe it's because I've had to watch some jerk like Kavanaugh be elected to the highest court of the US land after behaving like a child, up against a woman who told the truth, and for no personal gain. Dr BF still can't go home because idiots are sending her death threats. Totally, completely not covered by the First Amendment. Cowards.
But it seems like we are making a hero out of a couple of dudes, who yes, look like they were right stitched up. It's fairly clear, and that's why this series was so popular in the first place. But a woman DIED. And instead of the program focusing on who actually made that happen, we are focusing on the dudes.
And my heart breaks for Dassey, when I see that video evidence. He's totally being led, we all know that. My instincts would say Avery has probably pissed off the wrong people. But that's not my point.
No one is a winner here, and I think there is a real lack of attention brought to Halbach's family. Maybe it comes in the later episodes, but what I've seen out of the first few is they've completely refused to talk to the documentary makers.
Which brings me to my final point. I don't know if it's relevant. Maybe it is, everyone has their own opinion (First Amendment, right?). And they (the two doc makers) were speakers at a conference I went to a couple of years back, just as the doc was going nuts all around the world. I was jumping up and down to see them, and ran to the best seat I could get after the break to see my journalistic heroines.
And? They were the two most closed, boring interviewees I've ever seen. They were meant to be talking about inspiring us, and basically took no questions, and by the end of the fairly short segment, they were ushered off, and I was asleep. They were so closed about the next process of this work I thought - you've been told to not say anything. Because you're in a contract and doing another one.
So what happens if that is the case? Journalism begins to merge into entertainment, bowing to production companies and the usual story. I'm not saying that necessarily happened. As I pointed out, it may be my opinion based through my own, biased, view. But I'm not saying it didn't. I'm posing a question. Which is what doc journalism is meant to do. This show has no questions except how the prosecution got away with it.
Balanced, clear views is what we need in this era of big fat cats deciding how we live on the roll of a McHappy Meal toy.
PS. The keynote speaker at that conference to inspire was Harvey Weinstein.
I've just watched the first two eps of the second series of MaM. And my brain, outlook, whatever, has changed considerably since I watched the first series.
I ate it up with a spoon. Spent a lot of time in front of the telly with my long-suffering husband screaming about the way the American "judicial" system is completely corrupt, biased, etc. Please make note, law people - these are only my opinions. I pull the First Amendment.
Oh yeah. I'm American by birth. WHOOPS. Considering what is being demonstrated by the FPOTUS (you can work out what the F stands for and it's not a swear), I can say whatever I like without fear of litigation. Within reason.
I'm feeling very uncomfortable watching this new series. Maybe it's because FPOTUS has been in power(ish) for two years now. Maybe it's because I've had to watch some jerk like Kavanaugh be elected to the highest court of the US land after behaving like a child, up against a woman who told the truth, and for no personal gain. Dr BF still can't go home because idiots are sending her death threats. Totally, completely not covered by the First Amendment. Cowards.
But it seems like we are making a hero out of a couple of dudes, who yes, look like they were right stitched up. It's fairly clear, and that's why this series was so popular in the first place. But a woman DIED. And instead of the program focusing on who actually made that happen, we are focusing on the dudes.
And my heart breaks for Dassey, when I see that video evidence. He's totally being led, we all know that. My instincts would say Avery has probably pissed off the wrong people. But that's not my point.
No one is a winner here, and I think there is a real lack of attention brought to Halbach's family. Maybe it comes in the later episodes, but what I've seen out of the first few is they've completely refused to talk to the documentary makers.
Which brings me to my final point. I don't know if it's relevant. Maybe it is, everyone has their own opinion (First Amendment, right?). And they (the two doc makers) were speakers at a conference I went to a couple of years back, just as the doc was going nuts all around the world. I was jumping up and down to see them, and ran to the best seat I could get after the break to see my journalistic heroines.
And? They were the two most closed, boring interviewees I've ever seen. They were meant to be talking about inspiring us, and basically took no questions, and by the end of the fairly short segment, they were ushered off, and I was asleep. They were so closed about the next process of this work I thought - you've been told to not say anything. Because you're in a contract and doing another one.
So what happens if that is the case? Journalism begins to merge into entertainment, bowing to production companies and the usual story. I'm not saying that necessarily happened. As I pointed out, it may be my opinion based through my own, biased, view. But I'm not saying it didn't. I'm posing a question. Which is what doc journalism is meant to do. This show has no questions except how the prosecution got away with it.
Balanced, clear views is what we need in this era of big fat cats deciding how we live on the roll of a McHappy Meal toy.
PS. The keynote speaker at that conference to inspire was Harvey Weinstein.
Friday, 14 September 2018
Hey. So my fingers don't work so great and this is already taking me far too long at this late time.
I will not be told by anyone. Family, friend, or foe. that I am not good enough. I am doing a great job here. I will not be told by anyone - friend, family, or foe; who gets to tell me what I am. I can tell you who I am right now, and I shall.
It has taken some months to be able to do this, and bring the energy/ courage to do it. But I feel no shame.
I have achieved some amazing things since my illness and disability occurred. And the amount of time I am taking having to take writing this, and correcting this, is part of my character. I am determined.
I know I have written a lot of Trumpy bloke. That was a journalistic exercise that failed.
Much like the rest of my endeavours it would appear.
Well, no matter. I know who and not to trust any more, and I wish them all the best.
We don't give up. Oh God there is folk music on talk radio. This may actually break me.
Don't discount the quieter part,. Everyone deserves a voice.
I will not be told by anyone. Family, friend, or foe. that I am not good enough. I am doing a great job here. I will not be told by anyone - friend, family, or foe; who gets to tell me what I am. I can tell you who I am right now, and I shall.
It has taken some months to be able to do this, and bring the energy/ courage to do it. But I feel no shame.
I have achieved some amazing things since my illness and disability occurred. And the amount of time I am taking having to take writing this, and correcting this, is part of my character. I am determined.
I know I have written a lot of Trumpy bloke. That was a journalistic exercise that failed.
Much like the rest of my endeavours it would appear.
Well, no matter. I know who and not to trust any more, and I wish them all the best.
We don't give up. Oh God there is folk music on talk radio. This may actually break me.
Don't discount the quieter part,. Everyone deserves a voice.
Tuesday, 17 July 2018
I could not agree more, Trumpy. However, after the last two days of, to quote my hero Jon Stewart (you wouldn't like him), this utter CLUSTERFUCK you've made of this trip, tonight's presser did not really enlighten, me, CNN correspondents, BBC correspondents, or the general public.
Let's take a moment to review what was said. All quotes directly attributed to Donald Trump, as broadcast by every major news network in the western world. (Oh, hang on. Are we ALL Fake News?)
We started the diatribe with a clearly off-message self-congratulatory pat on the back about his amazing work with getting more money out of NATO. NOT THE BRIEF.
Then went on to call our Queen "a terrific person" who he "walked with" at Windsor. You didn't. You broke Royal protocol and walked ahead of her until she pulled you back. FAKE NEWS.
And then we get to why we are here.
"(The) most successful visit...was Russia."
On to the prepared speech, as I can imagine Huckabee Sanders was shooting absolute side eye by this point.
"(I have) full faith in (the US) intelligence agencies...I accept (Russia meddled in our election process)."
"(We have) a need for some clarification".
This is my personal fave:
"I said the word 'would' instead of 'wouldn't'". Um. Huh?
We then move into the free text part of the speech where the usual rhetoric is trotted out; Obama, Hillary, oh did you know he won 2016?
I'm not even going to address what he is quoted as saying about discussing Syria. If you did, show strength, and mention it at the time. You didn't.
Oh yeah, no collusion, a number of times as well. Hand-written in Sharpie on your notes. We've picked up that's what you think. About two years ago.
Today, unfortunately for you, you've made this worse for yourself. You have come across as a weak leader, who doesn't understand years of international policy that has come before you, and have tried to reduce your entire term of office to a reality television show.
What do we expect to come from this? Well, as we are completely through the looking glass now, probably nothing. The man is Teflon. I've never seen anything like this in my many years of life. It doesn't make it right, but it is certainly indicative of the fact that certain groups of people are being fed by the celebrity status he asserts onto the average person. Those average people, in middle America - and other parts - are just those people he directly targeted during his election run.
Let me make a cry in the dark to you. Please. Please, look at the facts as they present themselves. It is not a crime to support Trump. What does let you down, though, is using your right to vote and wasting it based on an ill-informed opinion.
You have a chance to make a stand in the next few months. Register to vote and make your voice heard. Whichever way it goes. So long as it's informed and something you can live with if this all starts going horribly wrong.
Let's take a moment to review what was said. All quotes directly attributed to Donald Trump, as broadcast by every major news network in the western world. (Oh, hang on. Are we ALL Fake News?)
We started the diatribe with a clearly off-message self-congratulatory pat on the back about his amazing work with getting more money out of NATO. NOT THE BRIEF.
Then went on to call our Queen "a terrific person" who he "walked with" at Windsor. You didn't. You broke Royal protocol and walked ahead of her until she pulled you back. FAKE NEWS.
And then we get to why we are here.
"(The) most successful visit...was Russia."
On to the prepared speech, as I can imagine Huckabee Sanders was shooting absolute side eye by this point.
"(I have) full faith in (the US) intelligence agencies...I accept (Russia meddled in our election process)."
"(We have) a need for some clarification".
This is my personal fave:
"I said the word 'would' instead of 'wouldn't'". Um. Huh?
We then move into the free text part of the speech where the usual rhetoric is trotted out; Obama, Hillary, oh did you know he won 2016?
I'm not even going to address what he is quoted as saying about discussing Syria. If you did, show strength, and mention it at the time. You didn't.
Oh yeah, no collusion, a number of times as well. Hand-written in Sharpie on your notes. We've picked up that's what you think. About two years ago.
Today, unfortunately for you, you've made this worse for yourself. You have come across as a weak leader, who doesn't understand years of international policy that has come before you, and have tried to reduce your entire term of office to a reality television show.
What do we expect to come from this? Well, as we are completely through the looking glass now, probably nothing. The man is Teflon. I've never seen anything like this in my many years of life. It doesn't make it right, but it is certainly indicative of the fact that certain groups of people are being fed by the celebrity status he asserts onto the average person. Those average people, in middle America - and other parts - are just those people he directly targeted during his election run.
Let me make a cry in the dark to you. Please. Please, look at the facts as they present themselves. It is not a crime to support Trump. What does let you down, though, is using your right to vote and wasting it based on an ill-informed opinion.
You have a chance to make a stand in the next few months. Register to vote and make your voice heard. Whichever way it goes. So long as it's informed and something you can live with if this all starts going horribly wrong.
Saturday, 14 July 2018

You win, Trump. I look worse than ever but that is down to my journalistic capabilities. You see I'm writing this at 11pm? Fuck me, that's nothing.
I'm having a WELL DESERVED DAY OFF tomorrow. I am going to be all over your arse on Monday with Putin, my friend.
Let me sleep now. You absolute disgrace to the Presidency of the US.
PS Let Eric out of the cage. Some sunlight might do him some good. YES I WENT THERE.

You win, Trump. I look worse than ever but that is down to my journalistic capabilities. You see I'm writing this at 11pm? Fuck me, that's nothing.
I'm having a WELL DESERVED DAY OFF tomorrow. I am going to be all over your arse on Monday with Putin, my friend.
Let me sleep now. You absolute disgrace to the Presidency of the US.
PS Let Eric out of the cage. Some sunlight might do him some good. YES I WENT THERE.
Ideally, I wanted to post a couple of pictures of kids, who spoke eloquently in Scotland today about their dislike for the POTUS. My husband I and I broke into spontaneous applause after the first kid said his bit. SO beyond his years, and clearly not coached. The second one was on the picket line (as was the first, to be fair) on the beach at Aberdeen right by the police cordon. The second the second kid saw you know who, he started playing the bagpipes at top volume. I SALUTE YOU BOTH, SIRS.

Not that one above. I'm not posting pictures of innocent kids on a social media site. I have something called morals.
I've written down a load of quotes and accreditations I could use tonight. I don't feel like it. This week has bloody broken me into a tiny shell of a human. I don't fancy doing a heavy piece tonight, as I think we've had enough of that over the last few days. We have less that 24 hours before he goes to Helsinki and destroys us all further with his absolute, obvious dedication to Putin. Look, I don't know if that stupid sex tape thing is just a vile rumour, but I can tell you this one thing. Sit on your hands about this one, peeps.
Special Counsel Bob Mueller indicted - INDICTED - 12 Russian intel officers for interfering in the Clinton campaign. Trump knew about this happening earlier this week. Not complicit? Okay.
Here's my source. TOTES FAKE, right?
I've mentioned this before, POTUS, but quite frankly as an American born citizen you will have to find some bloody good dirt on me to shut me up. And THERE AIN'T. Please just go away and stop upsetting everyone.
Everything I have said today has a source. It's not Fake News. It's, you know, news. Oh, here's some accreditation for your interest. It's from your favourite news source, Fox News.
Not that one above. I'm not posting pictures of innocent kids on a social media site. I have something called morals.
I've written down a load of quotes and accreditations I could use tonight. I don't feel like it. This week has bloody broken me into a tiny shell of a human. I don't fancy doing a heavy piece tonight, as I think we've had enough of that over the last few days. We have less that 24 hours before he goes to Helsinki and destroys us all further with his absolute, obvious dedication to Putin. Look, I don't know if that stupid sex tape thing is just a vile rumour, but I can tell you this one thing. Sit on your hands about this one, peeps.
Special Counsel Bob Mueller indicted - INDICTED - 12 Russian intel officers for interfering in the Clinton campaign. Trump knew about this happening earlier this week. Not complicit? Okay.
Here's my source. TOTES FAKE, right?
Soz for the long link, but you know, I have little time left.
Everything I have said today has a source. It's not Fake News. It's, you know, news. Oh, here's some accreditation for your interest. It's from your favourite news source, Fox News.
PS It will always end up in a heavy piece. We're up shit creek.
Friday, 13 July 2018
I really wanted to bat this one over to Scotland for the rest of the trip. I am having a difficult time, and this has been hard. But as husband reminded me, I committed to this and he's still in the UK for a couple of days. So...
I'll see you tomorrow.
I'll see you tomorrow.
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