The speech he delivered, poorly, regarding pulling out of the Iran deal was pathetic. There was absolutely no foreign policy included, but a hell of a lot of "bads", "poor deals", and general grandstanding. You may be the POTUS, kiddo, but at the end of the day you are a shadow of what the office holds dear. You know what a lot of people appreciate in a leader? Well-rounded intelligence. Thoughtful consideration. Truthfulness. And you have the absolute bare faced cheek to talk about "cheating" on a deal. Marriage is a deal, Donny. How you getting on with that deal? Yeah. Thought so. You got off lightly on $130k. According to good old Guiliani. ("Such a fine lawyer".)
I am furious that this one megalomaniac is dragging us into a world that I thought I was lucky enough to leave behind as a child with the Iraq war. The night vision images of bombings during that period still give me nightmares. I used to stare up at the sky and wonder if that plane going overhead was going to bomb us. This is how a 12 year old thinks. What about the 12 year olds now, Trump? How do you think your teenager is going to feel about the fact you are plunging us headfirst into the unknown yet again, for your personal gain?
You really think North Korea are going to drop everything and play nice? You used to be The Apprentice guy. Even you must know better than that. But you don't, because it's all about THE IMAGE and THE ART OF THE DEAL. Which you didn't write, just as an aside. I suspect you probably didn't even read it.
So, tremendous work Donny. And before you think about getting your goons on me, I'm an American citizen so I say what the fuck I like. First Amendment, yeah? The one before you can all have guns. How you getting on with your NRA mates? Bet they're loving this rhetoric. Although, in fairness, that word is tricky to spell so, you know.
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